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Reconstructing Judaism

Dor Hadash is a part of Reconstructing Judaism. To learn more about Reconstructing Judaism, click HERE

Reconstructing Judaism is a politically and religiously progressive Jewish movement that approaches both life and Judaism with a deep consideration of the past and a desire to create and share new ways of being Jewish and practicing our faith in the present. Reconstructionists often say that the past has a vote but not a veto.

RJ Plenum

Minutes of Plenum Meeting of December 11, 2022

Dear Plenum Reps, Presidents, Clergy, and Executive Directors/Administrators of Reconstructionist congregations,

Please find a PDF document of the minutes of the Plenum Meeting of December 11, 2022, including notes on the discussion and vote on the resolution on reparations. If you see any errors or items requiring correction, please contact me directly with the concern.

You can also access the minutes that the following link:

Video recording of meeting is available at: 

You will need to enter the passcode: %8ZJ26s0

Members of Reconstructionist communities, as well as their clergy and staff are allowed to view the video from the meeting. The Plenum meetings are meant for our movements’ members, so please don’t share the link and password to the meeting beyond your staff and members.

Take care,


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784